Increase Libido and Romance
As the sultry days of summer wind down, the sexy-time in your relationship may be dwindling with it and you’re wondering how to increase libido and keep that summer passion alive. But just because puffy coats are in your near future doesn’t mean the heat in your relationship needs to disappear too. The first golden piece of love advice: “Build up your inner sexy and the passion will seep into your relationship daily,” says relationship expert Sujeiry Gonzalez, author of Love Trips and owner of Las Fabulosas gives you proven love advice to renew your energía every day of the year.
Focus on You First
Your thoughts may immediately go to ‘how can I make my partner happy?’ But before you seek love advice about your partner, focus on yourself. “Keeping the passion alive in all relationships really begins with how we feel about our sensuality and sexuality as women,” says Gonzalez. “When women feel sexy and feel good in their skin, they’re more open to trying new things in the bedroom, being creative and letting go.” Find ‘me’ time in addition to the ‘we’ time. Treat yourself to a mani/pedi, a run, or even a kid-free shopping spree. Bonding with yourself will help you bond more deeply with your pareja.
Find Common Interests
Take an entire day and night to connect with your significant other. For example, sign up for a yoga class together, to help improve balance and connection. Exercise promotes blood flow and circulation, important for sexual function and can increase libido, according to researchers at the University of Texas at Austin. Do you like to spice up the kitchen -- literally? Bring the kids to casa de la abuela, and hire a chef to teach you how to make a romantic meal with aphrodisiacs that increase libido such as oysters, chile peppers and asparagus. Top it off with the madre of aphrodisiacs: chocolate and vino rojo. “Once you know your partner’s needs and likes, and how you work as a couple, renewing love will come much more naturally,” says Gonzalez.
Surprise Him
Climb out of your relationship rut and surprise him with simple reminders about why you love each other and how the passion started. “Send your partner love messages via text or even slip a post-it note into his work bag or behind the medicine cabinet mirror,” says Gonzalez. After all, everyone loves a compliment. Your partner will feel appreciated, making you that much more desirable. Turn it up a notch with sexy, scandalous notes.