How to Feel Successful

For most of us, success means finding our true calling, living the reality of what we always dreamed. But finding that calling isn’t always a clear path. Experts say that true happiness comes more from finding your “voice,” the unique way in which you express your values and desires. Discovering your own process is rarely streamlined and can be awkward at times. Life coach Natalie Gahrmann shares how a woman can stay focused and move ahead in her goals -- no matter what challenges may arise.

1. Break the goal down.
Create an action plan that emphasizes the smallest steps toward achieving your goal. “Get a calendar and plan a series of projects that will take you in the direction you want to go,” says Gahrmann. “But be realistic about what can really be accomplished in your busy life.”

2. Write your goals down and state them out loud.
Written goals are more concrete and achievable. Reading them aloud will not only make you more excited and committed as you listen to yourself, but also give you clues toward the life you really want and the things you want to accomplish.

3. Maintain a positive attitude.
Drawing strength from your past successes is vital to staying motivated and feeling successful. Focus on your accomplishments, but don’t be afraid to assess your past mistakes. “Your failures are a learning opportunity,” says Gahrmann. But don’t dwell on them. Feeling successful is more about how you think than what you achieve.

by Shirley Velásquez